The conference venue is located on the campus of the Université Paris-Sud in Orsay (bldg. #510), approximately 25 km south-west of Paris. It lies on the uphill part of the campus, on the "Plateau du Moulon".
From Paris
- By car : RN118 - exit Centre Universitaire
- By commuter train (RER) : Line B, from Paris, direction St Rémy lès Chevreuse (charging zone 5), station Le Guichet
From RER station le Guichet
- Walking : rue de Versailles, rue de la Colline, chemin du Bois des Rames (about 15-20 mn, 100 m climb — see map)
- By bus : take line 9 (direction Saclay) from the bus stop next to the parking lot to your right (see map and bus schedules below)
and get off at the stop "Parc Club" or "Faculté des Sciences".
Time table for line 9
- By taxi : you may find one at the taxi stand near the parking lot. Otherwise, call +33 (0)1 69 07 48 88